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The Victoria Suite

<em><span style=”color: #000000;”>Please note: all guests will be charged the full cost of their reservation at the time of booking. Please see Cancellation Policy details below.</span></em>

Cancellation Policy

When we reserve a suite for you we are committed and won’t book it out to any other travelers. As we only have 5 suites, we need our guests to share this same level of commitment as your reserved suite will then be “un-rentable” for other guests online. We know that sometimes life has a way of interfering with our best laid travel plans so we have developed our cancellation policy to help you with these unforeseen situations.

If you have to cancel your reservation more than 2 weeks prior to your arrival date we will refund you the cost of your reservation less 10% (this will cover the credit card fees that we incur when charging and refunding your card and our time). If you have to cancel within 2 weeks of your arrival date we will put your suite back online as available and, if we can rent it out again to a new guest, we will only retain 10% of your total reservation cost (again, just to cover the credit card fees and time incurred when we charge/refund your card and repost the suite).If we are unable to rerent your suite so close to the arrival date, then we will refund you 50% of your total cost.